home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @echo off
- set path_911=911_utilities
- echo. > report.txt
- echo The 911 Utilities verifications list : >> report.txt
- echo -------------------------------------- >> report.txt
- echo. >> report.txt
- echo This list displays the utilities found in the 911_utilities folder >> report.txt
- echo and will be recognized by the 911 Rescue CD >> report.txt
- echo.>> report.txt
- echo.>> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "CDMenu" ***
- echo The 911 Rescue CD Main Menu >> report.txt
- echo --------------------------- >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\TOMSRTBT\TOMSRTBT.IMG" echo Enabled - Tomsrtbt Linux >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\TOMSRTBT\TOMSRTBT.IMG" echo Disabled - Tomsrtbt Linux >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\MEMTEST\MEMTEST" echo Enabled - MemTest86 v3.0 >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\MEMTEST\MEMTEST" echo Disabled - MemTest86 v3.0 >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\ACRONIS\TRUIMAGE.WBT" echo Enabled - Acronis True Image 6.0 >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\ACRONIS\TRUIMAGE.WBT" echo Disabled - Acronis True Image 6.0 >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\ACRONIS\PARXPRT.WBT" echo Enabled - Acronis PartitionExpert 2003 >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\ACRONIS\PARXPRT.WBT" echo Disabled - Acronis PartitionExpert 2003 >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\ACRONIS\RECXPRT.WBT" echo Enabled - Acronis RecoveryExpert >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\ACRONIS\RECXPRT.WBT" echo Disabled - Acronis RecoveryExpert >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\ACRONIS\DISKEDIT.WBT" echo Enabled - Acronis DiskEditor 6.0 >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\ACRONIS\DISKEDIT.WBT" echo Disabled - Acronis DiskEditor 6.0 >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\ACRONIS\DRVCLEAN.WBT" echo Enabled - Acronis DriveCleanser 6.0 >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\ACRONIS\DRVCLEAN.WBT" echo Disabled - Acronis DriveCleanser 6.0 >> report.txt
- echo. >> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "DevLoad" ***
- echo The Startup Device Loader >> report.txt
- echo ------------------------- >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NTFSPRO\NTFSPRO.EXE" echo Enabled - NTFS Partitions Support [NTFSDOS Pro] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NTFSPRO\NTFSPRO.EXE" echo Disabled - NTFS Partitions Support [NTFSDOS Pro] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\USB\DUSE.EXE" echo Enabled - Support for USB Mass Storage [DUSE] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\USB\DUSE.EXE" echo Disabled - Support for USB Mass Storage [DUSE] >> report.txt
- echo. >> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "ChkHealth" Menu ***
- echo Programs in the Check System Health >> report.txt
- echo ----------------------------------- >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NORTON\NDD.EXE" echo Enabled - Scan Hard Drive for Errors [Norton Disk Doctor] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NORTON\NDD.EXE" echo Enabled - Scan Hard Drive for Errors [MS ScanDisk] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NAV\NAVDX.EXE" echo Enabled - Scan Hard Drive for Viruses [Norton AntiVirus] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NAV\NAVDX.EXE" echo Disabled - Scan Hard Drive for Viruses [Norton AntiVirus] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\PCCILLIN\PCSCAN.EXE" echo Enabled - Scan Hard Drive for Viruses [PCcillin] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\PCCILLIN\PCSCAN.EXE" echo Disabled - Scan Hard Drive for Viruses [PCcillin] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\MCAFEE\SCAN.EXE" echo Enabled - Scan Hard Drive for Viruses [McAfee VirusScan] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\MCAFEE\SCAN.EXE" echo Disabled - Scan Hard Drive for Viruses [McAfee VirusScan] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\F-PROT\F-PROT.EXE" echo Enabled - Scan Hard Drive for Viruses [F-Prot Antivirus] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\F-PROT\F-PROT.EXE" echo Disabled - Scan Hard Drive for Viruses [F-Prot Antivirus] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\ADVISOR\DADOS.EXE" echo Enabled - Check the Hard Disk Physical State [OnTrack Data Advisor] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\ADVISOR\DADOS.EXE" echo Disabled - Check the Hard Disk Physical State [OnTrack Data Advisor] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\PCISCAN\PCISNIF.EXE" echo Enabled - Identify the PCI bus Devices [PCISNIF] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\PCISCAN\PCISNIF.EXE" echo Disabled - Identify the PCI bus Devices [PCISNIF] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NSSI\NSSI.EXE" echo Enabled - Display Info about the System's Hardware [NSSI] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NSSI\NSSI.EXE" echo Disabled - Display Info about the System's Hardware [NSSI] >> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "WinNTTools" Menu ***
- echo Programs in the Windows NT/2000/XP Tools >> report.txt
- echo ----------------------------- >> report.txt
- echo Enabled - Start Win2K/XP Setup Assistant >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NT-TOOLS\BOOTPART.EXE" echo Enabled - Fix the Windows 2K/XP Boot Sector >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NT-TOOLS\BOOTPART.EXE" echo Disabled - Fix the Windows 2K/XP Boot Sector >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NT-TOOLS\INITRD.GZ" echo Enabled - Reset Win2K Accounts Passwords >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NT-TOOLS\INITRD.GZ" echo Disabled - Reset Win2K Accounts Passwords >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NT-TOOLS\BOOTPART.EXE" echo Enabled - Add BOOT.INI Entries >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NT-TOOLS\BOOTPART.EXE" echo Disabled - Add BOOT.INI Entries >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NT-TOOLS\EDITBINI.EXE" echo Enabled - Edit BOOT.INI if in NTFS Partition >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NT-TOOLS\EDITBINI.EXE" echo Disabled - Edit BOOT.INI if in NTFS Partition >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NT-TOOLS\BOOTINI.HTM" echo Enabled - Sysinternals.com BOOT.INI Guide >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NT-TOOLS\BOOTINI.HTM" echo Disabled - Sysinternals.com BOOT.INI Guide >> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "Win9xTools" Menu ***
- echo Programs in the Windows 98/ME Tools >> report.txt
- echo ----------------------------- >> report.txt
- echo Enabled - Run the Windows Setup Assistant [SETUPWIN.CAB] >> report.txt
- echo Enabled - Registry Doctor for Windows 9x [SCANREG.EXE] >> report.txt
- echo Enabled - Extract File from Windows Setup CABs [EXTRACT] >> report.txt
- echo Enabled - Copy Setup CAB Files to Hard Disk [XCOPY] >> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "AdvTools" Menu ***
- echo Programs in the Advanced Utilities >> report.txt
- echo ---------------------------------- >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\GHOST\GHOST*.EXE" echo Enabled - Backup the C: Drive to CD-R/Ws [Norton Ghost] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\GHOST\GHOST*.EXE" echo Disabled - Backup the C: Drive to CD-R/Ws [Norton Ghost] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\DCC\DCC.EXE" echo Enabled - File Manager [DOS Command Center] >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\DCC\DCC.EXE" echo Enabled - File Manager [Volkov Commander] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\AMIDIAG\AMIDIAG.EXE" echo Enabled - American Megatrends AMIDiag >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\AMIDIAG\AMIDIAG.EXE" echo Disabled - American Megatrends AMIDiag >> report.txt
- echo Enabled - Format / Transfer System Files [FORMAT/SYS] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\CMOSPWD\CMOSPWD.EXE" echo Enabled - Reset CMOS/BIOS Setup Information >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\CMOSPWD\CMOSPWD.EXE" echo Disabled - Reset CMOS/BIOS Setup Information >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\CMOSPWD\CMOSPWD.EXE" echo Enabled - Reveal CMOS Setup passwords >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\CMOSPWD\CMOSPWD.EXE" echo Disabled - Reveal CMOS Setup passwords >> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "HDDCreate" Menu ***
- echo Programs in the Prepare new Hard disks >> report.txt
- echo -------------------------------------- >> report.txt
- echo Enabled - The 911 Auto Partitioner [AUTOPART.CAB] >> report.txt
- echo Enabled - Fixed Disk Setup Utility [FDISK] >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\DISCWIZ\DWSE.EXE" echo Enabled - Seagate DiscWizard 2002 Starter Edition >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\DISCWIZ\DWSE.EXE" echo Disabled - Seagate DiscWizard 2002 Starter Edition >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\MAXBLAST\DRVGUIDE.EXE" echo Enabled - Maxtor MaxBlast 3 >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\MAXBLAST\DM.EXE" echo Enabled - Maxtor MaxBlast 3 >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\MAXBLAST\DRVGUIDE.EXE" if not exist "%path_911%\MAXBLAST\DM.EXE" echo Disabled - Maxtor MaxBlast 3 3.10 >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\WD_DLG\DL.EXE" echo Enabled - Western Digital Data Life Guard >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\WD_DLG\DL.EXE" echo Disabled - Western Digital Data Life Guard >> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "HDDTools" Menu ***
- echo Programs in the Hard Disk Maintenance Tools >> report.txt
- echo ------------------------------------------- >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\SPINRITE\SPINRITE.EXE" echo Enabled - Gibson Research SpinRite >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\SPINRITE\SPINRITE.EXE" echo Disabled - Gibson Research SpinRite >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\TESTDISK\TESTDISK.EXE" echo Enabled - CG Security TestDisk >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\TESTDISK\TESTDISK.EXE" echo Disabled - CG Security TestDisk >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NORTON\DISKEDIT.EXE" echo Enabled - Low Level Disk Editor >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NORTON\DISKEDIT.EXE" echo Disabled - Low Level Disk Editor >> report.txt
- echo Enabled - Load Standard Master Boot Record [FDISK] >> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "HDDOEM" Menu ***
- echo Programs in the Hard Disk Drives OEM Tools >> report.txt
- echo ------------------------------------------ >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\DFT\DFT.EXE" echo Enabled - Hitachi Drive Fitness Tests >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\DFT\DFT.EXE" echo Disabled - Hitachi Drive Fitness Tests >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\SEATOOLS\SEATOOLS.EXE" echo Enabled - Seagate SeaTools >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\SEATOOLS\SEATOOLS.EXE" echo Disabled - Seagate SeaTools >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\DLGDIAG\DLGDIAG.EXE" echo Enabled - WD DLG Diagnostics >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\DLGDIAG\DLGDIAG.EXE" echo Disabled - WD DLG Diagnostics >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\POWERMAX\POWERMAX.EXE" echo Enabled - Maxtor / Quantum PowerMAX >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\POWERMAX\POWERMAX.EXE" echo Disabled - Maxtor / Quantum PowerMAX >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\FUJITSU\FJDT.EXE" echo Enabled - Fujitsu ATA Drives Diag Tool >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\FUJITSU\FJDT.EXE" echo Disabled - Fujitsu ATA Drives Diag Tool >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\SAMSUNG\HUTIL.EXE" echo Enabled Samsung HDD Utility - >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\SAMSUNG\HUTIL.EXE" echo Disabled - Samsung HDD Utility >> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "ParEdit" Menu ***
- echo Programs in the Partition Editing Software >> report.txt
- echo ------------------------------------------ >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\PQVOLMAN\VMDOS.EXE" echo Enabled - PowerQuest Volume Manager >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\PQVOLMAN\VMDOS.EXE" if exist "%path_911%\PQMAGIC\PQMAGIC.EXE" echo Enabled - PowerQuest Partition Magic >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\PQVOLMAN\VMDOS.EXE" if not exist "%path_911%\PQMAGIC\PQMAGIC.EXE" echo Disabled - PowerQuest Partition Magic >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\PARMAN\PM.EXE" echo Enabled - Paragon Partition Manager >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\PARMAN\PM.EXE" echo Disabled - Paragon Partition Manager >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\RANISH\PART.EXE" echo Enabled - Ranish Partition Manager >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\RANISH\PART.EXE" echo Disabled - Ranish Partition Manager >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\PRESIZER\PRESIZER.EXE" echo Enabled - Zeleps Partition Resizer >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\PRESIZER\PRESIZER.EXE" echo Disabled - Zeleps Partition Resizer >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\KILLDISK\KILLDISK.EXE" echo Enabled - Active@ Kill Disk >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\KILLDISK\KILLDISK.EXE" echo Disabled - Active@ Kill Disk >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\PQMAGIC\PTEDIT.EXE" echo Enabled - Edit Partition Table Manually >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\PQMAGIC\PTEDIT.EXE" echo Disabled - Edit Partition Table Manually >> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "DataRec" Menu ***
- echo Programs in the Data Forensics and Recovery Tools >> report.txt
- echo ------------------------------------------------- >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\SPINRITE\SPINRITE.EXE" echo Enabled - Gibson Research SpinRite >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\SPINRITE\SPINRITE.EXE" echo Disabled - Gibson Research SpinRite >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\TESTDISK\TESTDISK.EXE" echo Enabled - CG Security TestDisk >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\TESTDISK\TESTDISK.EXE" echo Disabled - CG Security TestDisk >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NTFSPRO\NTFSPRO.EXE" echo Enabled - Load Support for NTFS Partitions >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NTFSPRO\NTFSPRO.EXE" echo Disabled - Load Support for NTFS Partitions >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\NTFSPRO\NTFSCHK.EXE" echo Enabled - Check NTFS Partitions for Errors >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\NTFSPRO\NTFSCHK.EXE" echo Disabled - Check NTFS Partitions for Errors >> report.txt
- rem *** Generate "ParClone" Menu ***
- echo Programs in the Clone Partitions and Disks >> report.txt
- echo ------------------------------------------ >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\PQIMGCTR\PQIMGCTR.EXE" echo Enabled - PowerQuest Deploy Center >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\PQIMGCTR\PQIMGCTR.EXE" if exist "%path_911%\PQDI\PQDI.EXE" echo Enabled - PowerQuest Drive Image >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\PQIMGCTR\PQIMGCTR.EXE" if not exist "%path_911%\PQDI\PQDI.EXE" echo Disabled - PowerQuest Drive Image >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\GHOST\GHOST*.EXE" echo Enabled - Norton Ghost >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\GHOST\GHOST*.EXE" echo Disabled - Norton Ghost >> report.txt
- if exist "%path_911%\SAVEPART\SAVEPART.EXE" echo Enabled - Partition Saver >> report.txt
- if not exist "%path_911%\SAVEPART\SAVEPART.EXE" echo Disabled - Partition Saver >> report.txt
- start report.txt